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Hello my Name is

Your name is something that you grow up with and usually don't think twice about it. It is a major part of an individuals identity, and it is unfortunate that people are given different opportunities based on judgements about their race and demeanor suggested simply by their name.  A study done by Colin Holbrook at UCLA in 2015 confirmed that there is prejudice in how people treat others based on their names. Specifically, people stereotyped with black names are treated worse. In his experiment, he asked people to share assumptions of people based on 4 names: Connor, Jamal, Wyatt and DwShawn.  Rowely, L. (n.d.). New Study Confirms Racial Bias in Names. Retrieved October 9, 2015, from Results showed that participants imagined Jamal and Deshawn as larger, black and more violent than Connor or Wyatt. These perceptions of violence also correlated to perceptions of decreased socioeconomic status. ...

COVID-ID and the Racial Wealth Gap

The coronavirus pandemic has shown from the beginning that it does not care about race, wealth, class or sexuality. Anyone can catch the virus, and anyone can die from it. Wealth affects an individuals ability to respond to the pandemic greatly, and due to the toxic wealth inequality in the united states, black individuals are dying at the most disproportionate rates. Chicago statistics show that of the 98 total deaths, 72% have been black despite only 30% of the city population being black.  An NBC article shows that African Americans are dying at a higher rate , but most states have not released demographic data to show the race of people who have tested positive for the virus. The concern is that this will create a huge gap between people who are wealthy and people who do not have money. People without money will likely suffer a lot more. The article discusses the important role that wealth plays in determining how at risk an individual is. An individuals wealth ...

Educational Equity and the Blind Side of Education

Williams, C. (n.d.). Fighting for Educational Equity: Equity Vs. Equality. Retrieved June 8, 2018, from The photo above shows what is referred to today as the educational achievement gap. Educational equality is when one curriculum is designed for all students regardless of external factors. Educational equity is when curriculum is designed for individual students taking into consideration heir personal challengers. The achievement gap is created when students have different academic performances when evaluated by their race and socioeconomic class. Throughout various structures of the socioeconomic hierarchy, students in the middle and lower class may not have access to the same resources and tools that allow students to thrive in educational environments. Students affected by achievement gaps are often racial/ethnic minorities, english language learners, students with disabilities and students fro...

John Legend on Mass Incarceration: The New Jim Crow

AZ Quotes: Quotes for All Occasions. (n.d.). Retrieved from John Legend is one of many black celebrities who has spoken out about the rise of black communities disproportionately effected by mass incarceration. The NAACP shows that today, although the United States only makes up 5% of the world population, it has 21% of the world prisoners. Of the large number of prisoners in the United States, African Americans make up 34% of that population and are incarcerated 5 times the rate that white people are. A lot of that 34% are black men. Over the years, the number of black men being incarcerated on a regular basis has grown, and has been no secret to the public as we have seen more and more incidents between young black men and police officers. Black men continue to be a target for the prison system, which then creates a cycle that ensures that generations of black individuals that are more likely to be incarcerated during ...

TikTok's Trending Racism

As schools around the world have closed, many social media users have turned to the relatively new platform called TikTok. TikTok is known for it's short videos and challenges that quickly surface on all other social media platforms. TikTok unfortunately does not often monitor user content, which has led to a new racist trend #HowsMyForm ? These videos and memes exist solely on the backs of mostly racial, but also sexist stereotypes and imagery. The videos usually start off with the user saying something to catch attention, then saying "now that all my (a race, ethnic group or gender) is here", and then "hows my form" with the background being some sort of racist scene that they have created. For example:    Although this may have started off as a small joke by a few teenagers who believed it would be harmless, this # now has now been used on over 100K videos and has over 36.5 million views. Without realizing it, these teens are completely u...

Hidden Messages Behind Female Dress Codes

Throughout my life, I can confidently say that every female close to me, myself included, has been called a slut before. Although a lot of these experiences never happened to me at my high school, I now realized the subtleties set in place to make girls feel insecure and ashamed. I went to an all girls k-12 private school where starting in high school, we would have mixed classes with our brother all boys private school down the street.  The school had rules, but after graduating I truly begun to see the underlying message set in place through the dress code. According to the administration, we did not need a uniform because students should have the freedom to "express themselves". That being said, skirts and shorts could not be higher than 6 inches above the knee. Spaghetti straps, halter tops, and anything backless was not allowed, and straps had to be two fingers in width. The student body challenged these rules, and as a consequence for breaking them were forced to cha...